
Showing posts from September, 2023

WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE and Stanford Team Up for Robot Revolution

The world's oceans are vital to our planet's health, yet they face myriad challenges, from coral reef degradation to offshore oil rig safety. In a RECENT collaboration, scientists from the UAE's Khalifa University and Stanford University in the US are pioneering the use of robots to address these critical issues. These robot divers are poised to revolutionize the way we explore and protect our oceans. The vision is clear: deploy robots to monitor the health of coral reefs and conduct safety checks on offshore oil rigs, all while keeping human divers out of harm's way. The teams are putting these robotic marvels through their paces in a specially designed robotics pool at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi . This pool replicates the ocean's waves, currents, and harsh deep-sea conditions, allowing researchers to fine-tune the robots for real-world challenges. Professor Oussama Khatib, director of the Stanford Robotics Lab , is at the forefront of this innovation. Hi

WHY DINA IS PROUD: UAE's first CAR-T Cell Therapy

  Any medical breakthrough is a milestone in the medical field in any country is a milestone for everyone. It gives us reassurance that if the worst happens, there will always be a solution... not the most affordable, but still a solution (thankfully, most procedures in the UAE are covered by insurance!).  Recently, a medical procedure called CAR-T Cell Therapy was done in the UAE. As of writing, it is the first therapy of its kind to take place in the country. The first patient in the world to undergo the therapy is Emily Whitehead, who was diagnosed with  acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at the age of five. She started receiving CAR-T Cell Therapy two years later in April 2012 under clinical trial.  Ten years later, Emily is cancer-free and thriving!  In the UAE, the first CAR-T Cell Patient is an 11-year-old boy named Murad, who was diagnosed with Leukemia 5 years ago.  Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Centre (ADSCC) helped Murad to undergo the treatment.  I will save you the time to look up

WHAT DINA THINKS: Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan in New York

  Many of you might be wondering: Who is Sheikh Abdullah and why is his presence in New York important/relevant? Why is he in New York in the first place?  All of your questions are understandable. Not many UAE residents are familiar with the many ministers of the UAE and that's okay. (I don't mean that you shouldn't familiarize yourself with them ever! Try your best to be familiar of who they are and which ministries they represent.) Actually, Sheikh Abdullah is the UAE's Minister of Foreign Affairs, literally directing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which is more commonly known as MOFA.  What does the MOFA do? Well, by the name itself, it ministers foreign affairs. They use their smart diplomacy to help out with the UAE's goals like boosting their politics, economy, and strategic interests. Plus, they're all about keeping the world safe, stable, and green. Their foreign policy is like a balancing act, making sure things are moving forward, whether it's at

Three Years of Abraham Accords

The signing of the Abraham Accords, which took place in the Middle East three years ago, was a historic occasion that resonated beyond ideologies and national boundaries in an area that is typically marked by lingering hostilities from the past. This historic agreement is a testimony to the eternal ideas of tolerance, discussion, and peace and establishes a previously unheard-of partnership between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Within the UAE, the Accords have catalyzed a remarkable era of diplomacy and collaboration. The ethos of tolerance and acceptance has thrived, as Emiratis have warmly embraced their Israeli counterparts. It is a profound testament to the potential of dialogue and mutual comprehension in crafting sustainable peace. At the heart of this burgeoning partnership lies the Economic Partnership Agreement, igniting a surge of innovation and commerce between these two nations. Joint ventures, investments, and collaborative ventures have burgeoned, resulting i

WHAT DINA THINKS: 3 Years of Abraham Accords

  It's been three years since the signing of the Abraham Accords, introducing us to a new era of diplomatic relations between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain, followed by Morocco and Sudan. Today, ambassadors, mayors, ministers, and business leaders from these nations reflect on the incredible strides made over the past 12 months, describing it as the "most significant yet" in our ties. But, Dina... what is this? I am Palestinian,  should I even pay attention to this?  The real answer is...... I don't know! I'll help you define all of this news and let you decide for yourself if you should pay attention to this. Because, really, it is subjective. So, I'll leave it up to you. Let me start by explaining what the Abraham Accords are:  The Abraham Accords are bilateral agreements signed between Israel , the UAE, and Bahrain on September 15, 2020.  It was mediated by the US, and the initial agreement focused on Israel and the UAE. A follow-up agreement was announc

WHAT DINA THINKS: Building Political Awareness for University Students

  Boosting young Emiratis' political awareness is important. It exercises their minds as to what it takes to be a good leader of a good country. They will easily distinguish what is wrong and what is right and will be able to see and analyze political decisions from a knowledgeable perspective, more than just a concerned citizen.  This should be the case in many countries. A lot of young people tend to grow politically unaware because of a lack of platforms like this. Such ignorance can enable more corruption to take place in their countries because no one would care to even speak out! We keep forgetting that the young people are the future of our generation--the hope of our nations, but we don't do much to exercise their rights to learn and their responsibilities as citizens.  This forum held by the  UAE University in Al Ain should be something to take example from. The " Building Political Awareness for University Students” forum, organized by the Ministry of State for F

More Than A Decade: Wildlife Expert Reza Khan

It was 1982. A newlywed Bangladeshi Reza Khan receives a postcard saying ‘Petrodollars calling you’. The postcard was from Dr. Salim Ali, under whom he had done his doctorate thesis in ornithology. Two years prior, Dr. Ali happened to visit Dhaka, Bangladesh, from where Dr. Khan is. There, they had a chance conversation where Dr Khan expressed his fears about teaching not being very remunerative. At the time, Dr Ali had apparently asked him jokingly if he were looking for petrodollars. (oil export revenues denominated in U.S. dollars.) Dr. Ali was requested to suggest three ornithologists as potential hires at Al Ain Zoo after being invited to the UAE for an official tour. One of them was Dr. Reza Khan. Fortunately, he was selected and given the position of Curator of Birds at the Al Ain Zoo. Only one day after he and his wife Nurun got married, he accepted his first job in the United Arab Emirates. Even though she was a biologist, Nurun discovered a new career in the UAE after joining

WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE In G20 Summit in India

The G20 summit has taken place in New Delhi, the capital of India (for may soon be called "Bharat!) today. In the summit, the leaders of the 19 participating countries, plus the European Union countries.... so that's 46 countries in total.  Anyway, this summit, founded in 1999, focuses on  addressing major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial stability, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development.  According to their website, it also plays a vital role in  shaping and strengthening global architecture and governance on all major international economic issues.   According to the state news agency WAM, the UAE's involvement in the G20 process for the fourth consecutive year demonstrates the nation's dedication to enhancing international cooperation and collaborative efforts. This commitment reflects the UAE's ongoing pursuit of sustainable development and shared prosperity on a global scale.  As an expat in the UAE

WHAT DINA THINKS: von der Leyen in the UAE

Yesterday,  EU chief Ursula von der Leyen visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE), just about three months before UAE hosts UN climate talks.  The EU president discussed some topics with the UAE President  Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed in Abu Dhabi , the capital of the country that will host COP28.  (BTW, that event is taking place in November-December!) The whole discussion was very political.  Despite friendly relations with the Gulf monarchies, Western governments have bashed Saudi Arabia and the UAE for maintaining ties with Russia ever since its invasion of Ukraine in February of last year. And before von der Leyen's visit, the EU's envoy for sanctions, David O'Sullivan, traveled to the UAE this week with US and British officials in an effort to keep sanctions against Moscow in place. UAE said that "The UAE strictly abides by UN sanctions and has clear and robust processes in place to deal with sanctioned entities, which we have exercised against a number of compa

Pros of Working in The UAE: The UAE Will Look Out For You

If there is one word to describe the majority of the people living in the UAE, it is expat . You can imagine that working in a country far from home can only give you so many benefits and security. I mean, you're working and living outside your home country, so whatever benefits you used to get back home won't always be available for you somewhere else.  But not in the UAE.  Of course, you have the insurance, the free plane ticket, the visa, annual leave, etc. But that's not the only way that the UAE government looks out for you, thanks to the introduction of the End-of-Service Savings Scheme!  "But what in the world is that?" You see, many of us come to this incredible country to work in various sectors – whether it's the private sector, the public sector, or those exciting free zones. And now, the UAE government, led by the visionary Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, has given us a reason to celebrate. They've introduced a n

WHAT DINA THINKS: Microsoft's UAE Cloud Expansion

Today, we're diving into exciting news that has the potential to reshape the technological landscape of the United Arab Emirates. Microsoft Corp. is extending its partnership with Abu Dhabi's Group 42 (G42) to provide sovereign cloud infrastructure in the UAE. Let's unpack why this move is such a significant leap forward: 1. One of the most substantial impacts of this expansion is the empowerment of the UAE's public sector. Microsoft's Azure cloud services, coupled with artificial intelligence capabilities, will be at their disposal. This means government agencies can harness cutting-edge technology to enhance efficiency, security, and service delivery. 2. In today's digital age, data privacy and regulatory compliance are paramount. This partnership ensures that the UAE's public sector and regulated industries can adhere to local privacy and regulatory requirements seamlessly. It's a win-win situation: the UAE gets access to world-class tech, and Microso

WHAT DINA THINKS: The UAE's New Gaming Regulatory Authority?

As an expat in the UAE, I'm excited to share my thoughts on the recent establishment of the General Commercial Gaming Regulatory Authority (GCGRA) in the country. This move signifies a significant shift in the UAE's stance on gambling and raises intriguing questions about its potential impact on the nation's tourism and economic landscape. Historically, gambling has been strictly prohibited in the UAE. However, recent developments, such as the announcement by Wynn Resorts to open a casino in Ras Al Khaimah, have indicated a growing interest in exploring new avenues for boosting tourism and diversifying the economy. This interest seems to have culminated in the creation of the GCGRA, which is set to introduce a regulatory framework for national lottery and commercial gaming. One of the key points to note is that while the GCGRA will coordinate regulatory activities at the federal level, the rulers of each of the seven emirates will have the authority to decide whether to all

Things to do in Abu Dhabi during the winter

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, is a city that offers an array of activities and attractions all year round. However, the winter season in Abu Dhabi brings a unique charm and ambiance that is best experienced firsthand. In this article, we will explore the top things to do in Abu Dhabi during the winter, providing you with a comprehensive guide that will help you make the most of your visit. 1. Explore the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque:  One of the most iconic landmarks in Abu Dhabi, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is a must-visit attraction any time of the year. However, during the winter, the cool breeze and pleasant temperatures add an extra allure to this architectural marvel. Admire the intricate designs, explore the massive prayer halls, and witness the breathtaking views of the mosque's surrounding gardens. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the beauty of this religious masterpiece. 2. Take a stroll along the Corniche: Abu Dhabi's Corniche is

The Arrival of Winter in the UAE after Months of Hot Summer Days

It is officially September .  In the UAE , where hot summer days seem endless, experiencing the sudden arrival of winter can take residents by surprise. The transition from sweltering heat to chilly mornings happens swiftly, transforming the landscape and creating new opportunities for outdoor adventures and festive celebrations. As autumn in the west unfolds, the UAE experiences a significant drop in temperature. What was once an unrelenting heatwave gradually gives way to milder days and cool nights. The sudden changes catch many off guard, but with proper preparation, one can fully enjoy the benefits of this unique transition. To stay warm and comfortable during the UAE winter, adjusting your wardrobe is essential. Swap lightweight clothes for cozy sweaters, jackets, and scarves. Layering is key, as daytime temperatures can still be relatively warm. Additionally, make necessary home adjustments by insulating your space and adding thicker curtains and warm bedding to create a cozy at

What Dina Thinks: Strengthening Bonds through CEPA and 30 Years of Diplomatic Relations

Another diplomatic relationship for the UAE????  Vietnam and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are on the brink of a momentous economic partnership. The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) is set to inject new vitality into the celebration of their 30-year-long diplomatic relationship. This significant milestone reflects a vibrant friendship that has flourished across politics, diplomacy, trade, investment, labor, and travel. According to Nguyen Manh Tuan, the Vietnamese Ambassador to the UAE, the CEPA negotiations are accelerating, promising a robust boost to bilateral trade. This isn't just another trade agreement; it's a crucial pact that has the potential to redefine economic ties between the two nations. High-level visits have played a pivotal role in strengthening these bonds. It all began in 2007 when His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai, visited Vietnam. This marked the beginnin