
Showing posts from October, 2023

WHAT DINA THINKS: Yahsat Joins UN's Global Sustainability Initiative

Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC (ADX: YAHSAT), the prominent UAE satellite solutions provider, has set a new industry benchmark by becoming the inaugural UAE space technology company to join the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. In a pivotal announcement, Yahsat has underscored its commitment to embed the UNGC's ten fundamental principles into its operational framework. These principles span critical areas such as human rights, labor standards, environmental stewardship, and anti-corruption measures. This strategic move signifies a resolute dedication to adopting responsible and ethical business practices. Ali Al Hashemi, Yahsat's Group Chief Executive Officer, conveyed the company's pride in joining the UNGC. He emphasized the significance of integrating these principles into Yahsat's core business, highlighting the company's unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability in all

WHAT DINA THINKS: Japan's Prime Minister's Vision for Japan-UAE Partnership

The recent communication from Prime Minister Kishida Fumio to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands as a testament to the enduring and robust relationship between Japan and the UAE. The letter, addressed to His Highness President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, outlines an array of areas where the two nations have developed close ties and underscores the vision to further enhance their partnership in numerous fields. The significance of the relationship between Japan and the UAE traces its roots back to the 1960s, primarily marked by the involvement of Japanese companies in the development of oil industries in Abu Dhabi. This collaboration in the energy sector has been fundamental in supporting Japan's economic growth over the years. However, what's particularly striking is the evolution of this partnership. Prime Minister Kishida Fumio highlights that the cooperation between the two countries has expanded well beyond the realms of energy and economy. The fields of cooperat

WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE co-working spaces' ‘work from anywhere’ concept

In the last five years, co-working spaces have emerged as a defining trend in the property market of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Initially favored by freelancers and gig workers, the landscape has remarkably shifted, witnessing a substantial surge in demand from larger enterprises and startups. Dubai, known for its progressive business environment, is experiencing a significant upswing in co-working spaces, predominantly due to Letswork, a home-grown marketplace that's revolutionizing the workspace industry. Letswork's strategic partnership with 400 outlets, ranging from hotels, cafes, business centers, and studios, demonstrates a diversified approach to creating dedicated and flexible workspaces to cater to the evolving needs of various professionals. The allure of co-working spaces lies in their ability to significantly reduce the capital expenditure associated with traditional office rentals. Letswork operates on a unique credit-based

WHAT DINA THINKS: Age Diversity in the UAE Workplace

In a recent survey conducted by Sukoon and Bupa Global , the importance of age diversity and inclusion in the UAE workplace has been laid bare. The findings not only highlight the significance of fostering age diversity but also underscore the crucial role it plays in creating a positive and innovative work environment. One striking revelation from this survey is the coexistence of four to five generations in the modern workplace. We're talking about Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers, and even members of the Silent Generation who are diligently working into their late 70s and early 80s. This is a testament to the evolving landscape of employment in the UAE. Acceptance is key. Over 58% of respondents identified "acceptance of all ages in the workplace" as paramount. This is not just about lip service to diversity; it's about genuinely embracing and valuing the contributions of individuals from different age groups. Moreover, almost half of those surveyed recogniz

Dina Chronicles the Cairo Peace Summit as A Beacon of Hope

As an expat living in the UAE, I have had the privilege of witnessing a significant moment in the region's history.  Egypt is currently hosting an international conference aimed at discussing the escalating conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza. The Cairo Peace Summit, set to take place on Saturday, brings together a diverse group of world leaders and diplomats, each playing a vital role in addressing the pressing issue of peace in the Middle East. The List of Distinguished Attendees: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi: As the host of this historic event, President al-Sisi plays a pivotal role in facilitating dialogue and fostering regional stability. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas: A key figure in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, President Abbas brings the Palestinian perspective to the table. Jordanian King Abdullah II: King Abdullah II of Jordan has long been a proponent of peace and stability in the Middle East, making his presence crucial.

Abu Dhabi Government's Sustainable Innovation Showcased at GITEX Global 2023

Today we have an exciting update from the UAE's capital, Abu Dhabi. The Abu Dhabi Government has been making waves at the GITEX Global 2023 event, demonstrating its commitment to advancing sustainable innovation across key sectors. Let's dive into some of the remarkable projects and initiatives unveiled during this event. On the third day of GITEX Global 2023, TAMM introduced a significant addition to the Abu Dhabi Government's digital services platform - the inclusion of Etisalat e& services. This partnership is a testament to the UAE's dedication to providing efficient and seamless services to its residents. The Family Development Foundation (FDF) has launched two groundbreaking initiatives. First, the Digital Social Observer platform automates the monitoring and assessment of social challenges across the emirate. This innovation enables the prediction of possible developments and the design of preventative programs to address these issues. Furthermore, the FDF ha

What Dina Thinks: EAD and GGGI Join Hands?

In an era defined by environmental challenges and the pressing need for sustainable development, the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have joined forces in a significant partnership. This dynamic collaboration was sealed through a Memorandum of Understanding, signifying a new era of green growth efforts in the UAE. What makes this partnership truly exciting is the wealth of knowledge and experience that both parties bring to the table. EAD, with its relentless commitment to environmental protection, and GGGI's global prowess in green growth, is set to transform the landscape of climate action and sustainable development in Abu Dhabi and beyond. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) lays the groundwork for cooperation between EAD and GGGI, paving the way for projects and programs that align with the UAE's national plans and strategies. This agreement signifies a clear commitment to advancing the UAE's global agreements and sus

What Dina Thinks of The UAE's Global Vision

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is on a mission to be a global bridge that connects countries, cultures, and economies. This ambitious vision is being championed by the UAE's Minister of Economy, Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, who envisions a future of sustainable growth and international collaboration. Let's delve into the key takeaways from his recent statement: In August 2023, the UAE joined the BRICS group and became a part of the BRICS New Development Bank in 2021. This strategic move positions the UAE to play a vital role in mobilizing resources for infrastructure and sustainable development in emerging markets, developing countries, and other BRICS nations. The UAE actively participates in international forums like the United Nations, G20, and BRICS. By doing so, the UAE aims to offer unique insights and collaborate on global initiatives that promote positive change, foster trade, and support sustainable development worldwide. The UAE has earned a reputation as a welcoming an

WHAT DINA THINKS: Digital Investment in the UAE?

So, I just heard that UnaFinancial and Velexa are collaborating to establish a digital investing platform in the UAE. Let me quickly break it down for you. To begin with, this collaboration appears to be a game changer. UnaFinancial, with its experience in the financial industry, and Velexa, the digital wizards, are collaborating to make investing easier and more accessible in the UAE. What person wouldn't desire that? They're starting with US equities, ETFs, and FX trading, which is a fairly varied range of investment alternatives. Furthermore, they are making it user-friendly for both novice and expert investors. What's more, guess what? It's all connected and smooth, making UnaFinancial's clients' lives easier. UnaFinancial and Velexa's collaboration is expected to have a substantial impact on the UAE's economy. It is predicted that by making investing more accessible and user-friendly, more individuals will be drawn into the world of investments. Thi

WHAT DINA THINKS: Human Rights is The Cornerstone of a Peaceful World

In a world fraught with conflict and division, the concept of human rights serves as a light of hope, guiding us toward a more peaceful and just future. Human rights are more than just words on a piece of paper; they are the basis upon which peace is constructed. In this brief essay, we will look at the inherent link between human rights and peace. Human rights are the fundamental liberties and protections to which everyone is entitled, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other attribute. They cover a wide range of concepts, such as the right to life, liberty, and security, freedom of expression, religion, and assembly, and protection from discrimination, torture, and arbitrary detention. Human rights respect each individual's inherent worth and dignity. People are less likely to feel excluded or oppressed when their rights are respected, which lessens the likelihood of conflict. Respect for the dignity of each individual is a cornerstone of peaceful coexisten

WHAT DINA THINKS: Unveiling the Future at ICA Abu Dhabi Congress 2023

For today's blog, I want my readers to turn their attention to an intriguing occurrence that is creating waves in the global archiving community. The International Council on Archives (ICA) President, Josée Kirps, has provided some fascinating information about the upcoming ICA Abu Dhabi Congress 2023. This Congress is more than simply a meeting; it is a knowledge platform where experts and specialists from around the world will assemble to imagine the future of the international archiving industry. The Congress, themed 'Enriching Knowledge Societies,' will look into cutting-edge subjects such as the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the archival and records industry. In an age of rapid technological advancement, understanding the nexus of AI and archival work is both topical and critical. Josée Kirps underlines the significance of collaborative efforts and lively debates in shaping the future of the archive profession. With over 5,000 people coming from 135 countries

WHAT DINA THINKS: India-UAE free trade pact

  In the ever-evolving landscape of global trade, the India-UAE Free Trade Agreement (FTA ) is proving to be a delectable treat for both nations. Industry experts are singing praises of this agreement, and it's not hard to see why. The FTA has become the secret sauce that's spicing up bilateral trade between India and the UAE , and it's even spreading its flavors to regions like Africa and other Gulf countries I just can't help but applaud the efforts of Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal , who has actively sought ways to boost the exports of Indian foods and food products. It's not just a welcome move; it's a strategic masterstroke. The world is craving the rich tapestry of flavors that India has to offer, and the UAE is becoming the gateway to this culinary adventure. The globe is yearning for India's rich tapestry of flavors, and the UAE is becoming the doorway to this culinary adventure. Alavi's enthusiasm is apparent when he declares, "

A Perspective on the UAE's Leadership in Climate Transition

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a beacon of leadership in a world where the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly urgent. Virginijus Sinkevicius, EU Environment Commissioner, has praised the UAE's commitment to drive change in the worldwide fight against climate change. Sinkevicius recognizes that countries rich in fossil fuels, such as the UAE, play a critical role in setting the global conversation on shifting to greener energy sources. The next Cop28, which will be held in Dubai in November, provides a unique opportunity for the UAE to demonstrate its commitment to phasing out unabated fossil fuels. This promise sends a strong signal to the rest of the globe, inspiring other countries to follow suit. The overall goal of the global community, as expressed in the 2015 Paris Agreement, is to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. To do so, greenhouse gas emissions must peak before 2025 and then