
Showing posts from August, 2023

What Dina Thinks About The EU's Diplomatic Efforts in the Gulf

Hi everyone!  So..... just today, the European Union (EU) is taking a proactive approach towards fostering stronger ties with the Gulf states , as exemplified by the appointment of Luigi Di Maio, Italy's former foreign minister, as its first special representative to the Gulf region. Di Maio's role is to facilitate dialogue and understanding between the EU and the Gulf countries, highlighting the EU's commitment to closer collaboration. Andrea Fontana , the EU's ambassador to the UAE , emphasizes that the EU's intent is to listen and better comprehend the perspectives and narratives of the Gulf nations. This commitment arises from the recognition that misunderstandings persist between Europe and the Arab world. Fontana underscores the significance of personal relationships, particularly at the leadership level, as key to fostering mutual understanding and effective communication. The EU-UAE relations are seen as important and evolving , given the UAE's growing

"Empowering Women's Health Through UAE's Pioneering Initiative: What An Expat Thinks

Today, Dubai's Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) is making commendable strides to enhance women's health in the UAE. Recognizing the pivotal role women play in society, MoHAP is gearing up to introduce a National Policy to Enhance Women's Health . This forward-looking policy aims to provide tailored healthcare within a unified national framework, fostering well-being and health for women across the nation. Abdul Rahman bin Mohamed Al Owais , the Minister of Health and Prevention , highlighted the UAE's commitment to promoting healthcare standards and sustainable development in the health sector.  Coinciding with Emirati Women's Day , the Ministry organized a workshop to develop a unified national framework. This framework aims to consolidate efforts, enhance women's health, and continue improving healthcare services throughout their lives. Key discussions during the workshop encompassed themes such as maternal and reproductive health, addressing preval

The Lucrative Trend of China's Sparking Surge in UAE Property Investments

China's bold move away from its stringent Zero-COVID policy is sending ripples across the world, and one place it's making a splash is in the UAE property market. As the floodgates open for Chinese citizens to travel and invest abroad, they are finding the golden opportunity they seek in the UAE's thriving real estate scene. Dubai's real estate market is feeling the heat of this newfound interest. The CEO of Azizi Developments , Farhad Aziz i, has noted that Chinese investors accounted for a whopping 12% of Dubai property transactions in the first quarter of this year, up from 8% last year . It's not hard to see why; with China's wealth searching for safe harbors and potential growth, the UAE's property market stands out like a shining oasis in the desert. The numbers are truly staggering. Dubai's real estate sales have soared 50% in volume and a mind- boggling 60% in value year-on-year in the first quarter of 2023. It's a boom that developers, con

Fostering a Sustainable Future with WETEX and DSS in the UAE

Today's blog is all about sustainability, innovations, and technologies-- those big words. Look, I'm an expat. I work during the day and sleep as soon as the streets stop bustling. So we have the same question: Dina, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?  Okay, let me give a little background: The Water, Energy, Technology, and Environment Exhibition (WETEX) and Dubai Solar Show (DSS) are a platform that promotes the sustainable circular economy in the UAE. The exhibition encourages global partnerships and investments to support innovation and adopt sustainable solutions and technologies in this vital field, contributing to reducing risks, greenhouse gas emissions, and costs. It also creates new sources of revenue and constructive business models to improve resource efficiency and effectiveness. According to Accenture research, the circular economy could generate $4.5 trillion of additional economic output by 2030, and the International Labour Organisation estimates that the trans

UAE's Resolute Humanitarian Commitment Shines on World Humanitarian Day

As an expat living in the UAE, I'm just... deeply inspired by the country's unwavering dedication to humanitarian efforts, especially on a day as significant as World Humanitarian Day. The UAE's Vice-President, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has once again reaffirmed the nation's commitment to extending aid to those in need, both within its borders and beyond. In a powerful video shared on various platforms, including TWITTER (Yes, it will always be Twitter to me no matter how many times E*** M*sk changes it) , Sheikh Mohammed showcased the remarkable efforts of the UAE's volunteers who tirelessly work to make a positive impact on vulnerable communities. This display of unity and selflessness resonates profoundly, portraying the essence of the UAE's vision for a better world. Last year, the UAE's financial contribution to foreign aid reached an impressive Dh1.4 billion, providing support to over 102 million people worldwide. This substa

WeChat Pay in UAE: What do I Think?

As an expat navigating the vibrant landscape of this amazing country, everyone like me knows the hassle of payment options. Paying by card? They only accept cash. Cash? The sellers don't have change. Because of this, I couldn't help but be captivated by the recent groundbreaking collaboration between two giants in the digital realm - Network International and Tencent Holdings, the genius minds behind WeChat. The result? A monumental leap forward in the world of commerce, bringing WeChat Pay acceptance to over 5,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals across the UAE. I think that this is not only for business owners but also for savvy consumers like you and me. Picture this: Chinese visitors exploring the bustling malls of Dubai can now seamlessly and securely complete transactions using their WeChat Pay mobile wallet. It's like a digital magic wand transforming shopping experiences into pure convenience. As we know, the UAE is no stranger to hosting tourists, and Chinese traveler

The Complex Web of GCC's Evolving Alliances in a Shifting World Order

The Complex Web of GCC's Evolving Alliances in a Shifting World Order In a world where global alliances are shifting and power dynamics are rapidly evolving, the oil-rich Gulf states find themselves in a delicate dance between two giants vying for dominance: the United States and China .  The recent announcement of the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) planned military drill with China highlights the intricate web of relationships that Gulf nations are delicately weaving. Traditionally a close ally of the United States, the UAE's decision to engage in joint military exercises with China marks a significant turning point. Amid the backdrop of a changing global order and a perceived polarization of alliances, Gulf states are seeking to diversify their partnerships. The drill, aptly named the China-UAE Falcon Shield-2023 joint air force exercise, raises questions about the motivations and implications behind this newfound collaboration. The Gulf states' move towards closer ties