WHAT DINA THINKS: Australia and the UAE Join for Trade

Hi expats! Exciting news just in! The Australian government is diving headfirst into talks with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to strike up a big-time trade deal called the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. 

What’s the buzz? This move is all about turbocharging Australian exports, boosting the economy, and scoring some fantastic new jobs all across our sunny land.

Why the UAE? This country is like a door to a whole bunch of opportunities, not just there but stretching beyond. In 2022, both countries traded goods and services worth a whopping $9.26 billion! If you read my previous blog, you will know that the UAE is a great destination for complex opportunities including crypto. Already, the UAE loves Aussie stuff like alumina, meat, oil seeds, and even our top-notch education - they've got three of our universities right there in their backyard! 

This deal isn’t just about shaking hands and saying hi; it’s about opening up fresh, cool chances for Aussie businesses to spread their wings and try new things in trade. Plus, it’s a chance for us to team up with the UAE in our shared goal of going net-zero. Think more investments and working together towards a cleaner, greener future.

Expats, your voice matters big time. The government wants to hear from you and everyone else too. They’re super keen on getting input from all corners – yep, that means you! So, if you’ve got ideas or see roadblocks that an Aussie-UAE trade pact could fix, speak up! They're all ears and waiting for your thoughts.

Here’s what Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Trade and Tourism, had to say about this:

"The Albanese Government is committed to supporting Australian businesses diversify overseas markets.

“A trade deal with the UAE will strengthen our relationship with one of our most important trading and investment partners in the Middle East.

“More trade means more export opportunities for Australian businesses, more national income, and more well-paying local jobs.”

Ready to join in? If you want to be part of this awesome conversation, head over here for more info on how to share your thoughts: 

As Australia and the UAE gear up to make some serious waves with this deal, it’s MORE than just trade – it’s about building a stronger future together, full of opportunities and shared success. 


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