WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE Leaders Recognized for COP28 Achievements

Hi expats and climate enthusiasts! 

If you have heard of the COP28 Summit around November-December last year, then you would know that there were many things achieved about climate action. One of which is the UAE consensus, which is an agreement that unites nations in a landmark response to the Global Stocktake, aiming to achieve the first-ever consensus on transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems in an equitable manner.

The consensus also outlines the unprecedented global aim to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency by 2030.  

President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, lauded the dedicated efforts of COP28 negotiators, representatives of the COP28 Presidency Office, and conference organizers. The gathering, held in Abu Dhabi, served to honor their exceptional contributions in realizing historic climate progress through the UAE Consensus.

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan shared insights into the meeting, highlighting the commitment to driving effective climate action. The leaders proclaimed the UAE's dedication to boosting global partnerships aimed at safeguarding the planet for future generations.

This event is a move towards environmental sustainability and underscores the UAE's pivotal role in spearheading climate initiatives on the global stage. The acknowledgment of negotiators and organizers reflects not only the nation's commitment to climate goals but also its appreciation for the collaborative efforts that have contributed to this historic achievement. The meeting serves as proof of the UAE's stance in addressing pressing global challenges. The dedication to impactful climate action and the cultivation of international partnerships highlights as a source of optimism, becoming a model for collaborative initiatives on a global scale.

In conclusion, the meeting between UAE leaders and the prominent figures driving climate progress through the UAE Consensus is a momentous occasion, showing the nation's efforts and dedication to a sustainable future. The praise and acknowledgment given to negotiators and organizers maintain the importance of collective action in addressing climate change and building a resilient planet for generations to come. 


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