
Showing posts from April, 2024

Breakthrough in Abu Dhabi: First Deceased Donor Liver Transplant Saves Patient's Life

In a significant medical milestone, a dedicated team of experts at Burjeel Medical City (BMC) in Abu Dhabi achieved a groundbreaking feat: the first deceased donor liver transplant in the region. This remarkable achievement brings hope and renewed life to patients battling severe liver conditions, like Fatima. Fatima's journey with liver disease began with a diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis, a challenging condition where the body's immune system targets liver cells. Over time, her health deteriorated, leading to decompensated liver cirrhosis in 2022. The road ahead seemed daunting, with liver cancer further complicating her condition. Enter the skilled medical team at BMC, led by experienced transplant surgeons and supported by state-of-the-art facilities. Their expertise, coupled with the generosity of a deceased 23-year-old donor, paved the way for Fatima's life-saving transplant surgery. The successful procedure not only marked a triumph for medical science but also off

WHAT DINA THINKS: High-profile World Governments Summit Kicks Off in Duba

Dubai, known for its grandeur and innovation, is once again in the global spotlight as it hosts the prestigious World Governments Summit (WGS) 2024. The three-day event, commencing on Monday, promises to be a gathering of minds, ideas, and visions shaping the future of governance and society. Distinguished personalities from across the globe are set to grace the summit, with notable figures such as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Open AI CEO Sam Altman, and Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan among the illustrious lineup of speakers. Their insights and perspectives are poised to ignite discussions on a wide array of pressing issues facing nations today. With over 25 state and government heads, 140 governments, and more than 85 international organizations in attendance, the WGS 2024 is a convergence of leadership, expertise, and innovation. Beyond the high-profile speakers, the summit boasts a diverse gathering of thought leaders, experts, and over

WHAT DINA THINKS: Flying High to the Future of Travel in the UAE

In the bustling metropolis of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where innovation knows no bounds, a groundbreaking advancement in transportation is on the horizon. Imagine zipping from Abu Dhabi to Dubai in just 30 minutes – not on a high-speed train or a luxury car, but aboard a futuristic flying taxi! A US-based company is spearheading this ambitious project, developing electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft tailored for commercial passenger service. These cutting-edge vehicles promise to revolutionize urban mobility, offering a swift and exhilarating alternative to conventional modes of transportation. The prospect of airborne taxis may seem straight out of a sci-fi movie, but it's swiftly becoming a tangible reality in the UAE. With plans underway to launch operations as early as 2025 or perhaps by the dawn of 2026, residents and visitors alike can soon experience the thrill of soaring above the iconic skyline of the Emirates. The benefits of flying taxis extend

WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE President Establishes International Humanitarian Council

In a significant move towards bolstering the nation's commitment to humanitarian endeavors, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, has established the International Humanitarian and Philanthropic Council. This new body, outlined in a decree issued on Thursday, will play a pivotal role in overseeing policies and initiatives related to international humanitarian projects and philanthropy. The roles and responsibilities of the council are multifaceted, aiming to streamline efforts and enhance the impact of humanitarian endeavors on a global scale. Among its key functions, the council will oversee the sector, review and approve policy agendas, and supervise the preparation and implementation of relevant projects. Furthermore, it will play a crucial role in developing the future vision for the sector, along with general frameworks for projects, while also forming necessary subcommittees to support operational activities. Leading the council will be Sheikh

WHAT DINA THINKS: Resilience at Sea: Bangladeshi Sailors Return Safely After Somali Pirate Seizure

In a testament to resilience and fortitude, the MV Abdullah, once held captive by Somali pirates, has finally reached the shores of the UAE. All 23 Bangladeshi sailors aboard, who endured the harrowing ordeal, have emerged physically and mentally unscathed, according to officials. The vessel, owned by Bangladeshi firm KSRM, was en route from South Africa to Dubai laden with coal when it fell prey to Somali pirates. The incident occurred weeks ago, sparking international concern for the safety of the crew. However, after negotiations and efforts from various stakeholders, including Bangladeshi authorities and the ship's company officials, the MV Abdullah was liberated on April 14. Upon arrival in Dubai on Sunday, relief swept through the maritime community as it was confirmed that all sailors were safe and in good health. Their resilience in the face of adversity serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of seafarers, who often navigate treacherous waters in the pursuit of glo

WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE Weather, Experts Attribute Extreme Rainfall to Climate Change

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has experienced increasingly extreme weather events, with the most recent being the intense rainfall on April 16. While some may speculate about artificial cloud seeding as the cause, experts emphasize that this event is a clear indicator of the profound impacts of climate change. According to environmental experts, including those specializing in climate and weather patterns, the unprecedented rainfall cannot be solely attributed to localized factors or human intervention like cloud seeding. Instead, they point to broader global climate shifts driven by rising carbon emissions. Climate change and weather experts have highlighted the severity and exceptional nature of this rainfall event, linking it to the broader context of climate crisis. The UAE, like many other regions across the globe, is experiencing the consequences of record carbon emissions, which contribute to extreme weather phenomena. It's important to recognize that the U

WHAT DINA THINKS: Air Arabia Resumes Operations, Providing Relief to Passengers Affected by Recent Weather Conditions

Air Arabia, the leading low-cost carrier in the region, has announced the resumption of its scheduled operations from Sharjah International Airport, effective as of 4 am today, April 18. This welcome news comes after severe weather conditions in the UAE and surrounding areas led to the cancellation of flights on April 16 and 17. Passengers who were affected by these cancellations can breathe a sigh of relief, as Air Arabia has assured them that they will receive full credit vouchers for the amount paid. This proactive step demonstrates the airline's commitment to customer satisfaction and its dedication to providing reliable and efficient service, even in challenging circumstances. In a statement shared on its official channels, including the X account, Air Arabia has provided passengers with detailed information regarding the cancelled flights and the process for obtaining their credit vouchers. This transparency and clear communication are commendable, as they help alleviate any

WHAT DINA THINKS: Dubai Floods, Residents Rescued by Kayaks as Water Levels Rise in Community

As water levels slowly recede across central Dubai after Tuesday's record-level rainfall, one neighborhood finds itself in a dire situation, turning the situation harrowing in the last few hours. In the gated sub-communities of Arabella 1 and 2, in Mudon, residents have been forced to evacuate their homes and rescued using kayaks, inflatable boats, and makeshift rafts. Trucks meant to pump out water and security vehicles could not reach the neighborhood due to the high water levels, leaving residents stranded amidst rising floodwaters. For those without access to such rescue boats, wading through waist-deep, foul-smelling water while carrying children was the only way out to safety. The scenes unfolding in Arabella 1 and 2 paint a stark picture of the challenges faced by residents during times of extreme weather events. Despite the adversity, the spirit of community and resilience shines through as neighbors come together to assist one another in evacuation efforts. While the immed

WHAT DINA THINKS: The Unpredictable Beauty and Danger of UAE Wadis, A Tale of Raging Torrents

In the heart of the United Arab Emirates lies a natural wonder that captivates both locals and tourists alike: the wadis. These picturesque valleys, with their lush greenery and tranquil pools, offer a serene escape from the bustling city life. However, beneath their serene façade lies a powerful reminder of nature's unpredictability. As heavy rains lash the arid desert landscape, the UAE wadis undergo a dramatic transformation. What was once a peaceful oasis can quickly turn into a raging torrent, capable of sweeping away everything in its path. Roads are shut, and stern warnings are issued as the country braces itself for the onslaught of extreme weather conditions. The sudden ferocity of these wadis serves as a stark reminder of the raw power of nature. What may seem like a gentle stream during dry spells can morph into a force to be reckoned with in a matter of seconds. It's a testament to the resilience and adaptability required to thrive in this ever-changing environment.

WHAT DINA THINKS: Unexpected Downpour, Dubai Malls Transform into Water Wonderland

Heavy rains recently turned the bustling malls of Dubai into unexpected water playgrounds, leaving visitors astonished as water cascaded through ceilings, disrupting regular operations and causing minor flooding in some areas. Videos circulating on social media captured the surreal scenes as water splashed at the feet of surprised shoppers, turning ordinary mall visits into unforgettable experiences. The unexpected downpour transformed the sleek interiors of Dubai's malls into temporary water wonderlands, showcasing the city's resilience in the face of nature's whims. The unprecedented event prompted a swift response from mall management, with the group issuing statements acknowledging the disruptions to regular operations. Despite the challenges posed by the sudden influx of water, mall staff worked diligently to ensure the safety of visitors and mitigate the impact of the flooding. While such occurrences may be rare, they serve as a reminder of the dynamic relationship be

WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE Government Schools Shift to Remote Learning Amid Unstable Weather

In response to the unpredictable weather conditions sweeping across the UAE, the Emirates School Education Foundation has made a decisive move to prioritize the safety of students and teaching staff. Effective from Tuesday, April 16 to Wednesday, April 17, all government schools in the UAE will transition to remote learning. The directive comes as a precautionary measure to mitigate any potential risks posed by the unstable weather prevailing across the country. With convective cloud formations expected to bring rainfall, lightning, and thunder, ensuring the well-being of students and staff remains paramount. By adopting distance learning, government schools in the UAE aim to maintain continuity in education while safeguarding the health and safety of everyone involved. This proactive approach reflects the commitment of education authorities to adapt swiftly to evolving circumstances and prioritize the welfare of students and educators alike. As the UAE navigates through these challeng

WHAT DINA THINKS: From Desert to Snow, The Journey of Emirati Skier Abdulla AlBalooshi

In a country known for its vast desert landscapes and scorching temperatures, the idea of pursuing a career in skiing might seem far-fetched. However, for 17-year-old Emirati athlete Abdulla AlBalooshi, the allure of snow-capped slopes and the thrill of competitive skiing have become his driving force. Abdulla's journey into the world of skiing is nothing short of remarkable. Having previously excelled in swimming and football, he decided to take on the challenge of transitioning to a completely different sport—one that required not only physical prowess but also a whole new set of skills. For Abdulla, the dream of competing in the Winter Olympic Games became a beacon of motivation. Despite the lack of snow-covered mountains in the UAE, he remained undeterred, tirelessly training and honing his skills on artificial slopes and indoor facilities. The path to becoming a competitive skier in a desert country is riddled with obstacles, but Abdulla's determination knows no bounds. Wi

WHAT DINA THINKS: A Joyous Morning, UAE Residents Unite in Eid Al Fitr Celebrations

As the sun rose in the sky, illuminating the quiet streets with a gentle warmth, the spirit of celebration filled the air across the United Arab Emirates. It was Eid Al Fitr morning, a time of joy, reflection, and unity for Muslims around the world. In the heart of the UAE, hundreds of residents eagerly gathered to offer prayers and exchange warm greetings, marking the end of Ramadan with a sense of community and gratitude. At 6:20 am, as dawn broke, the mosques across the country opened their doors to welcome worshippers. Families emerged from their homes, dressed in their finest attire, ready to join together in prayer and celebration. Shoulder-to-shoulder, they stood, forming rows as they prepared to offer their prayers in unison. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation and reverence as the call to prayer echoed through the streets. Men, women, and children of all ages gathered, their faces radiant with smiles, their hearts filled with the blessings of Eid. Despite the early h

Cultivating Dreams: UAE's Young Farmer Defies Desert Odds

In the heart of the desert, where the sun blazes relentlessly and the soil seems barren, a remarkable story of determination and hope is unfolding. Meet Ahmed, a 9-year-old Emirati student with a passion for farming that knows no bounds. Against all odds, Ahmed has transformed a patch of arid land into a thriving oasis. With sheer determination and a heart full of ambition, he is turning the desert green, one crop at a time. From tomatoes to carrots, potatoes to cucumbers, Ahmed's farm is a testament to the power of persistence and passion. But Ahmed's journey goes beyond just growing crops. As a Grade 4 student, he is driven by a noble cause – to contribute to food security in the Emirates. With a keen understanding of the importance of agriculture in sustaining communities, Ahmed manages large agricultural operations with the skill and dedication of a seasoned farmer. His efforts have not gone unnoticed. Local communities marvel at Ahmed's green thumb and commend his unwa

WHAT DINA THINKS: UAE Entrepreneur's Humanitarian Gesture: Free Surgeries for Children from Conflict Zones

In a world often overshadowed by conflict and strife, stories of compassion and altruism serve as beacons of hope, reminding us of the power of humanity to make a difference. One such story emerges from the heart of the United Arab Emirates, where an entrepreneur's philanthropic endeavor is changing lives and spreading kindness. In a remarkable display of cross-border cooperation, this UAE entrepreneur has undertaken the noble mission of offering free surgeries to children from conflict zones. These life-changing surgeries have been performed at public and private hospitals in Tunisia, Egypt, and India, providing vital medical care to those who need it most. The initiative underscores the entrepreneur's unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of children affected by conflict. By extending a helping hand across borders, they have transcended geographical boundaries and cultural barriers to bring healing and hope to those in need. The significance of this h

WHAT DINA THINKS: Dubai Delivery Rider Receives Heartwarming Eid Al Fitr Surprise: A Flight Home

In the midst of the fast-paced city life of Dubai, amidst the whirring of motorbikes and the hustle of delivery riders, there lies a tale of resilience, dedication, and now, a heartwarming Eid Al Fitr surprise. Bakary Jarju, a Gambian expat working as a delivery rider for Deliveroo, found himself at the center of an unexpected turn of events. Originally hailing from West Africa, Bakary has been tirelessly maneuvering through Dubai's streets to fulfill his delivery duties, all while observing the rituals of Ramadan. His story, featured in Khaleej Times as part of the 'Iftar on Job series', shed light on his journey and the challenges he faces far away from home. Moved by Bakary's story of dedication and sacrifice, Switch Foods—a company whose products are delivered through Deliveroo—decided to extend a gesture of kindness. In a heartwarming turn of events, Bakary received the perfect Eid Al Fitr gift: a flight ticket to reunite with his family back home. The news of this

WHAT DINA THINKS: President Sheikh Mohamed Orders Clearing of Public School Students' Debts: A Remarkable Step Towards Education Support

In a significant move to alleviate financial burdens on students and bolster education accessibility, President Sheikh Mohamed has directed the clearance of all outstanding debts of public school students in the UAE. The announcement made, comes as a beacon of hope for countless families grappling with educational expenses. According to a report by the state-run news agency Wam, the initiative aims to wipe off unpaid dues amounting to Dh155 million, underscoring the government's unwavering commitment to empowering the youth through education. This laudable step is poised to make a tangible difference in the lives of students across the nation. The initiative, set to be implemented in collaboration with the Emirates Schools Establishment, will extend its benefits to students residing in the UAE and enrolled in government schools. By shouldering the burden of outstanding debts, the government demonstrates its dedication to fostering a conducive environment for learning, irrespective